Spooky2 is not working, we have tested for 5 years ..... all
We also were the party who advised (and helped) for NORMAL peoples software ...... no tonly techies

Even the admin who worked also for 7 years ........... left and agreed..... it does not work
TOO LOW powers......... only SKIN surface treatments
This is why ISHA did research fro many years and developed the ISHA portable zapper, which does provide real power for
INDEPTH treatment .... on organs and systems
By testing many setups, we did discovered the needed powers, 2x 125 watts RMS (without distortion) for a year and this really did wonders.
(even up to 2x150 watts) with slippers, hand elec, chest, neck, ,ears, special headcontactcap +/- 25 pins + magnets.
Yes a lot of wires, But we had to feel, where, to see, and know. And to DOUBLE/ TRIPPLE, check with many other equipments/systems.
To our experiments, significant (scientific research on myself and many others tested for many years,
deep penetrating statrs at at least 31 +volts ..... if you want real (and fast) results.
And feel the exact location of bugs resonating ....
W of VA
- So this is why our ISHA Zappers are magical
The remotes of Spooky2 DO NOT work, we have tested for years, so do not waste your time
READ THE TESTIMONIAL from Matthew, Mr Wonder and others from which some did try 30 years ..... no results .....
and by the ISHA protocols, finally have a life !
stop wasting time money, and frustrations , the answers are here at ISHA 

Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin. Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī
SMILE EVERY DAY .... And have a wonderfull time coming !
All diseases are Parasitic - Genetic - Curse - Home Electra - fault/lackage of Biocommmunication System of body
Use the FREE ISHA cure - Ionic Detox - ISHA Multi Power Zapper - Colloidal Silver - dr Clark Tincture - DHEA - DMSO -
Dr. Logols Iodine + Iodide
And the POWERFULL *Grandmasters Longevity Tonicum 31 
Analyze and take Controll with your;
ISHA 3D-8 Plus - ISHA 8D Virus Expert Pro - ISHA DNA Expert Pro - ISHA 8D Powerfull AURA Commandments

But most important ! Study The ISHA Apprentice Masters Classes and know more than any specialist does.
BUY at the best place, the best NLS products, for best support, here ; www.nonlinearsystem.eu
*Please read our medical disclaimer https://nonlinearsystem.eu/medical-disclaimer
We are researchers, scientists, inventors, developers, creators, healers, teachers, NLS specialists.
Altough many of our members are medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, surgerists, medical scientist.
The law states, If you have a dis ease go see your doctor. Reading and usage of all free info is at your own risk.
*Nothing on this forum is allowed to be copied or transmitted outside this forum.
This is a forum of private members with private communications between members.