How Do I convert Audio/Music/Speech to Rife frequencies to be used inside Spooky2 software/hardware

Description: What software to use

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How Do I convert Audio/Music/Speech to Rife frequencies to be used inside Spooky2 software/hardware

Post by axxology92 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:11 am

Hi All,

I just want to ask, has anyone ever done any audio, music or speech that is converted to a rife frequency that can be run on any rife/frequency machine?
For example, you record a voice, then modulate it to 7.83 and then send to the rife machine like Atelier Robin or Spooky2.

If so, then what device/software you use to convert the audio, music or speech to those frequencies?
Anyone had used this method in conjunction with the Meta Black Box?



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Re: How Do I convert Audio/Music/Speech to Rife frequencies to be used inside Spooky2 software/hardware

Post by MetaGrandmaster » Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:01 am

Dear Arzin,

The earth main freq of 7.83 Hz is OLD news .... the mainfreq has already lifted 2.5 times higers up to 3 times , the past 20 years ....

The main source of schumann resonances are lightning worldwide. On average there are 50 lightning discharges per second. [4] The electric current of each discharge produces a pulse of electromagnetic radiation. These pulses then propagate through the atmosphere. Because the ionosphere reflects the pulses towards the Earth's surface, and the Earth's surface in turn reflects them towards the ionosphere, the pulses remain trapped in the atmosphere. As a result, the waves continue to travel around the earth at a frequency of more than 7 times per second ( speed of light / circumference).

The spectrum of a measurement of the ELF band. The peaks are schumann resonances. (The peak at 50 Hz is caused by electricity grids )
The atmosphere functions as a hollow space in which resonances arise as a result of standing waves . The wavelength of the lowest standing wave is equal to the circumference of the Earth. In particular frequencies of 7.83 Hz on average are amplified, but also 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz. These values ​​may fluctuate slightly due to varying atmospheric conditions.

The amplitude of the magnetic field of these resonances is of the order of 1 pico tesla [4] , more than ten million times less than that of the Earth's magnetic field . Its electric field amplitude is 0.3 mV / m.

Usage to convert audio / speech towards 7.83 Hz ............ is useless since ;

The voice / thoughts / feelings / audio ITSELF has many frequencies and is targeted on specific conditions to be usefull / to be manifested

There is ONE way to combine text / thoughts / feelings WITH bioresonance freqs .... this is done by
The ISHA AURA commandments in the catalog of " UNIVERSAL REHABILITATION" to reconnect with the universe
and when above 1.500

When te re-connection is made (auto treatment class level 6 + scripts) THEN all wishes of good health, relations, money manifest with high speed.

THEN do specific GOD commandments in The ISHA Aura Commandments Pro Expert Physio

And miracles start to happen

ps others are free to answer


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Re: How Do I convert Audio/Music/Speech to Rife frequencies to be used inside Spooky2 software/hardware

Post by halvarez2583 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:12 pm

Spooky already has the Schumer frequency. But for example, if you would have a Spooky2 Scalar, they got an attachment call harmony. You can put Solfeggio, healing freqs, healing music on your phone or device and project it through the scalar. It works well!

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Re: How Do I convert Audio/Music/Speech to Rife frequencies to be used inside Spooky2 software/hardware

Post by MetaGrandmaster » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:44 pm

Spooky2 is not working, we have tested for 5 years ..... all

We also were the party who advised (and helped) for NORMAL peoples software ...... no tonly techies :idea: :lol:

Even the admin who worked also for 7 years ........... left and agreed..... it does not work

TOO LOW powers......... only SKIN surface treatments

This is why ISHA did research fro many years and developed the ISHA portable zapper, which does provide real power for

INDEPTH treatment .... on organs and systems

By testing many setups, we did discovered the needed powers, 2x 125 watts RMS (without distortion) for a year and this really did wonders.
(even up to 2x150 watts) with slippers, hand elec, chest, neck, ,ears, special headcontactcap +/- 25 pins + magnets.
Yes a lot of wires, But we had to feel, where, to see, and know. And to DOUBLE/ TRIPPLE, check with many other equipments/systems.

To our experiments, significant (scientific research on myself and many others tested for many years,

deep penetrating statrs at at least 31 +volts ..... if you want real (and fast) results.
And feel the exact location of bugs resonating ....

W of VA

  • So this is why our ISHA Zappers are magical

The remotes of Spooky2 DO NOT work, we have tested for years, so do not waste your time

READ THE TESTIMONIAL from Matthew, Mr Wonder and others from which some did try 30 years ..... no results .....
and by the ISHA protocols, finally have a life !

stop wasting time money, and frustrations , the answers are here at ISHA :D


Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin. Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī

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