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GO TO https://www.3d-8d-hunter.com to register, login and do posting ! See you on the other side

Welcome to the global ISHA family of Quantum Metaphysics, Secrets in Healing, Bioresonance & Non Linear Systems with members from 172 countries


Here are all the ISHA classes used by professionals, practicers, doctors, scientists, professors in over 172 countries
https://nonlinearsystem.eu/product-cate ... asses-nls/

Highly Dedicated Educated Succesful Therapists ?
We have very highly trained educated ISHA trainers and *Certified Therapists in many countries.
But please be sure to check and ask ISHA since some pretend to be officially certificated by ISHA while they are not.
Check our specially highly selected PARTNERS on top of the forum. Or here app.php/partner

By the way; ISHA does not make money on YOU or your therapist / doctor.
ISHA will bring every member who asks for HELP in contact, totally free of charge with a certified highly educated therapist.

We also present our TOP team highly, honored by MGM, educated and spiritual developed therapists and trainers here by country and name. In a special section on top of this forum. So you can choose by country. See on top PARTNERS.
And they are able to do scans, treatments, advises, globally with a highly rate of 99.99 success !.

Not only for clients but also for new therapists to become, no matter what your history is, a doctor, professor, a beginner ? All can be helped, personally healed, and then, all can become an official ISHA NLS therapist .... :) A blessing from GOD to YOU, your famliy, your clients ... and the world :)

For clients , customers, be sure you will see the official ISHA certificate on the wall. All others are non integer sales fakes !

Why ? Since there are companies, if you order, you get a certificate ... well that is plain stupid and dishonored.
ISHA Apprentice Masters and Masters are followed in every step, some for years, to get their real certificate.
Since we must and do care about people to provide a 2e chance ! Period ! And YOU should do too !

This also counts for all ISHA hard and software. ONLY ISHA is allowed to sell ISHA NLS hard and software by the ISHA webshop. And only "Certiffied ISHA resellers" are allowed to resell BUT every sale must be registered by the ISHA webshop. So all ISHA sales registrations, go by the official ISHA webshop.

If you are not sure if your seller is "Officially" a ISHA LEGAL reseller, just ask at sales@nonlinearsystem.eu

Why ? since we discovered some are pretending and illegally (mis) presenting ISHA.
Even falisifying the ISHA orderform and ISHA invoices !!

Notice: all must be registered at the ISHA webshop for 3 years international warranty and support.

Note: only the ISHA QMBB and the ISHA multi zapper are freely distributed by 100's distributors.
So can be sold outside the ISHA system. NOTHING else,
But all are registered from the factory / ISHA Shippinng Dept. and at ISHA head office so be warned !!!

*If you forget to confirm by "personal" registering, the 3 years ISHA warranty and support will not be provided.
So you have 30 days to confirm registration after purchase / you did buy.

All sales communications are done by the email sales@nonlinearsystem.eu

All communications between ISHA and you, the customer are done by our ticket support system, here;

So always check !!! Be warned .... ! If you are contacted and do not trust, ask by the ISHA email or ticket support.

  • If a person contacts you (after registration), always check their identity since ISHA does not call / phone you personally, never ! And we do NOT provide private data like names and emails ! Period.

And now let us start with the good news :)

We welcome our brothers and sisters from planet Gaya, the Earth.
This is the place for real insights of the working principles of the human body, genetics and spiritual interaction.
High science from heaven in 2022 and far beyond. Knowledge from all sources over 10.000 years, from the past, the present and the future

Not old teachings and beliefs, not old biological, chemical medical info and insights but groundbreaking insights for a true miracle healing on all levels.

AND .... there is no place on this planet where the principles of NLS (non linear systems) and Quantum
Metaphysica is teached like here. It IS the only real family of NLS users and professionals.

Rules ?? We have only 5 rules: to love, to respect, do not insult ... and bring positives :ugeek:
(*people already suffered enough on stress and negatives, so this is why we have these rules)

*Notice: *5e rule: The promotion of other brands is not allowed on this forum
This forum is primarily for isha customers and others are also welcome but no promotion of inferior brands.


And others NOT ??

This is the only true place where all do care and all do help all. From 172 countries ...
And more to come ... :shock:

Learn all about true healing, study, and again read it every month!
A good working Body Bio-Communication System will reward with a good working immune system.
The brain and parasympathetic system will solve every disease if all is balanced to work properly!


*Notice: we do not sell supplements or drugs for health
The free isha cure components are available at your local stores and we only provide the
free info and truth, based on 35 years of research and testing. And the confirmations of many
professionals worldwide aka doctors, surgeons, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, internists, scientists, even professors.
By reading and implementing you accept our medical disclaimer and terms.

*Please read our medical disclaimer https://nonlinearsystem.eu/medical-disclaimer
We are researchers, scientists, surgeons, inventors, developers, creators, healers, teachers, NLS specialists.

Note: please read this main page fully !
Since here on this mainpage, are the most important info's and links .... :)

Since this is a private protected area for only ISHA members, the protection of members and freedom is a golden rule.
NOTHING may be copied or distributed without the written approval of ISHA.
Severe penalties will follow if this notice is neglected and the privacy of our members is violated or illegally misused.

The name ISHA is given on request to serve all, by the spirit of the universe.
So all cultures, religions are integrated. So all are one to believe and receive.
Because we are all ONE in the eyes and mind of GOD, Ganesha,
Buddha, 佛 Fú, 불 Bul, Allah, Akbar, Elohim, Yehovah, Yah, Yahweh, Spirit and Gaya.
When you have studied all religions, you will see all is the same. And all are the same.
And all deserve the same ....... a 2e chance. For good health, Joy, Happiness and Laughter :lol:

YOU ARE A NLS TECHNICIAN - Medical Liability - Use this document for your clients - ALWAYS
viewtopic.php?f=85&t=1399&p=11155&hilit ... an#p11155

ISHA stands for, International School of Healing Arts since 1988

In Hindu, Goddess of protection
In Hindi, "God of the north".
In Hindostan, "Someone who protects"
In Möslim, Last evening prayer
In Arabic, Have a long life ....

Learn all about true healing, study, and again read it every month!
THE FREE ISHA CURE - A REAL 2e chance for ALL people

Our members (and moderators), are self-controlled users, medical doctors, therapists of all kinds,
scientists, famous virologists,surgeons, psychologists, psychiatrists, technicians, university teachers, professors....
of many research, developments and healing modalities.
Some with already 45 years of experience in health, healing and Non-Linear Systems.

Together sharing thousands of years of experiences for the benefit of all humankind.

Many are trained from generation to generation by masters and grandmasters in many secret teachings.
Many took multiple times a year off to train from 7 in the morning till 11 in the evening, 7 days a week.

Many of them worked in famous hospitals worldwide, some even for 25 years ...
and then realized to start their own practice since they really want to help other people,
but free, outside the system. Not guided by money, greed, status but by love.

Not by Big Poison Parma, not 1 element to be registered chemicals, non biological GOD created and planted all over Gaya, money makers, 1 element to registar on a company, since GOD has many secrets and ways ....
Pharma and followers, drugs dealers are .. simply money hunting......idiots !
But they will learn their lessons too. You by GODS will, and your will, it is time for a change !

Almost all, did become master students of ISHA and became an ISHA Apprentice Master because of the
knowledge and healing powers of the worldwide proven to work FREE of charge ISHA protocols.

These teachings are now for over 3 years also being taught/used on universities of Gratz, Munchen, Manchester,
and Barcelona Spain, for new doctors to become, as many members did the report.

*New insights of the real working principles of the body and healing are provided by ISHA researches and classes by which we bypass the "take the organ out" and poor DNA mentality, radiation, and chemo poisons.
We demonstrate and teach to do treatments from the miracle level of the RNA in the mitochondria, re-establish the workings of the body bio-communication systems. We also use NLS to do the analysis, control, planning, monitoring.
We demonstrated the 2e most important in diseases, the BUGS ...
We depower all bugs in the special group 24 for fast results with the special ISHA Virus Expert Pro
And even use thousands of years old knowledge from the ISHA Aura commandments. And many more ....

As GOD instructed for thousands of years in all religions, "as within, so without \ outside" to do the miracle healings.
Old inferior DNA can not produce new good quality DNA, only RNA can .... just watch\study
The Apprentice Masters Classes like all did and you know the TRUTH and the true path of
real fast health and healing.

Many started also from other working areas a health practice, or are now being to do so.....
Many were originally normal people who experienced the real powers of healing by NLS and
The ISHA protocols, themselves, after being immobilized and having suffered intensely for many years ...
and then wanted to share their experiences, so other people could have that 2e chance too.
Just as they did get.

Many did get "the call by GOD' or just received it, just like you did ..... ?

Realize this, when you help 1 person, you really help his/her whole family to get rid of the fears,
stress, anger, frustrations, desperations .... you are bringing them all, joy, laughter, bliss ...

REAL Real self written testimonials from real people\doctors all over the world


This is the global forum about Bioresonance, Quantum Metaphysics and *Multi Biophilia 4D X1 and X2,
the 3D plus, 8D Lris Pro & Expert, 8D Aura Surgery, Meta Hunter.

The really powerful invented, based on 100.000 hours and many years of research,
developed, improved, proven to work the best, proven in this reality by many testimonials
and thank you emails, from all over the world.

The special developed and proven to be successful with NLS for all people. And as taught in
The Apprentice Masters Classes, worldwide, witnessed by many in real-life sessions.
The ISHA powerfull software NLS versions. Used by many specialists and users all over the world like;

The ISHA Virus Expert Pro with special group 24 to select in 1 minute, to lower their bioactivity
and fewer neurotoxins are produced, so body systems can function again.
The ISHA DNA Expert Pro with over 400 pairs of DNA+RNA + Chromo. One-click selects all.
The ISHA Aura Commandments Pro Expert Physio with the powerful " Universal Rehabilitation"
The most powerful and newest ISHA Metatron Pro for IN-DEPTH miracle healing
The Most advanced ISHA Biophilia X1 with over 5000 etalons, auto scan, and treatments
The ISHA Dogs NLS Pro Expert. The coming NLS for cows and horses
The ISHA automatic NLS treatments 24x7 hours, weeks, months, the ISHA Murgee scripts\progs.

The famous ISHA Quantum Meta Black Box RNA\DNA for worldwide remote scans & treatments,
so the world becomes your client.... no boundaries, no limitations ...

The only real in-depth working, ISHA Multi Power Rife Zapper.
So the viruses, bacteria, worms, helminth, really are killed.
And the integrated CES function by which people feel relieved by endorphins production,
and finally, get rid of their drug addictions, some even after they tried all and after 30 years ... (see testimonials).
Responses from people who spend 10.000 $ on other Rife equipment are "My GOD this is really powerful
and for the first time really feel it working !".

The FREE ISHA Cure for all people, the miracle cure which fills in what humankind has been missing the past 50 years and many, many more. True miracle healings .... (see real testimonials).

All brand owners are welcome. All can join and receive the support of this forum members
and global team of moderators (*see the moderator list on the right side).

* however promotion of inferior other brands is not allowed and will be removed.
Since there is a lot of garbage........ :(
We want the best to be available for all people, despite origin, culture or income ...
Everyone deserves a real 2e chance.... by GOOD working NLS systems, software, and tools.
And the best worldwide integer high-quality teachings and support based on many years of research.

Darkness can not drive out darkness ...... only light can.
And the truth will set Thy free

The name ISHA is given on request to serve all, by the spirit of the universe.
So all cultures, religions are integrated. So all are one to believe and receive.
Because we are all ONE in the eyes and mind of GOD, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah, Yah, Yahweh, Spirit and Gaya.
When you have studied all religions, you will see all is the same. And all are the same.
And all deserve the same ....... a 2e chance.

ISHA stands for, International School of Healing Arts since 1988

In Hindu, Goddess of protection
In Hindi, "God of the north".
In Hindostan,  "Someone who protects"
In Möslim, Last evening prayer
In Arabic, Have a long life ....

Although this forum is concentrated on Quantum Metaphysics, Bioresonance, and NLS.
We really accept all healing modalities which contribute to helping our brothers and sisters for a 2e chance.

There is NO other place on this planet which gives this NEW groundbreaking insights, teachings, protocols and help

Therapists of all origins, shamans, healers, masters, grandmasters, psychiatrists, psychologists, medical doctors, natural doctors, specialists, surgeries, neurologists, scientists, medical scientists, professors.

It is the only true place where all do care and all do help all. From 170 countries ...
And more to come ... :)
See here at the bottom all members from index.php 170 countries.

Realize this; 70% of our members are medical doctors, therapists, specialists, scientists, professors,
10% technicians, 20% self-controlled users. All are looking for a change.
Many are starting their own (new) clinic\practice, out of the system.

Combining Bioresonance, Quantum Health, NLS, Rife, Herbs, Reiki, Qigong, Ionic Detox, Remote healing,
Healing secrets and many others give the BEST and FASTEST results !!
There is not one path to walk......

HOW THIS FORUM WORKS ? See here viewtopic.php?f=19&t=994
Or directly here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6cQM6E ... l&index=20

The Free ISHA Cure, the most important to read and use!
By checking 35 years of research on The National Disease control Center of Atlanta and the WHO
scientific papers (conclusions 75% is commercially involved), there were many missing links and info
in current poor sciences of the body working, health and healing.
Then back in 2005 all was given and presented with the final knowing answers, by the spirit of the universe ...

Learn all about true healing, study, and again read it every month!


And others NOT ??

More than 45 years research & testing, disclosing all secret remedies of kings on planet earth.
Finally the ultimate tonic from many "secret" super king tonics combined in ONE
powerfull tonicum which will bring healing on all levels.
Go here viewtopic.php?p=8510#p8510

Go here for THE APPRENTICE MASTERS OF NLS http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?t=616

The 24K GOLD Certificates http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?t=671

REAL Testimonials from people\doctors all over the world http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?f ... [/b]#p7125

*Finally a real working Rife - The ISHA Multi Power Zapper - for freedom and health.
Go here http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?f ... pper#p3745

Worldwide Remote scans and treatments - The ISHA Quantum Meta Black Box.
Treat cliënts all over the world, no time, no distance limits.
Go here http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?f ... +box#p2081

The Real Ionic Detox machine for fast results !
http://3d-8d-hunter.com/viewtopic.php?f ... 4034#p4034

ISHA Informational videos on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q79zwhM ... Rl&index=1

Automation of your 3D, 8D, Hunter, Biophilia by the special ISHA LEVEL 6 VIDEOS AND FREE AUTOMATION SCRIPTS & DOCS !!
https://nonlinearsystem.eu/shop/hunter- ... f=13&t=905

Click board index to SEE ALL http://3d-8d-hunter.com/index.php

PS you will not see anything without registration * Please register to see all :shock:

HAVE A WONDERFULL TIME COMING :) by helping people the right way..... by the heart
And by giving them and their families a 2e chance of good Health, Joy, and happiness.


Make new stemcells

The sounds of the chakras by Harish Johari
https://www.amazon.com/Sounds-Chakras-H ... 1594770018

Falun Gong


Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin.
Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī

  • Quan Yin, the spiritual teacher and guide of MGM and protector of the global ISHA family.

Since this is a private protected area for only ISHA members, the protection of members and freedom is a golden rule, NOTHING may be copied or distributed without the written approval of ISHA.
Severe penalties will follow if this notice is neglected and the privacy of our members is violated or illegally misused.

*Medical disclaimer https://nonlinearsystem.eu/medical-disclaimer

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